![Sims 4 — Dolls House Heart table by SIMcredible! — As our girls were missing this set, we recreated it now for sims 4.](/scaled/2517/w-600h-450-2517243.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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As our girls were missing this set, we recreated it now for sims 4. This heart shape table however was originally a toy box. But as the creation for the Sims 4 is under Alpha stages, there are some pieces not able to be created yet. So we made it as table because we would miss its design on this bedroom ^^ by SIMcredibledesigns.com
available at TSR
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1268130
ItemID: 1268130
Filesize: 426 KB
*Not compatible with inventory
* You should choose between the 3 colors options before buy this piece. When you place the object in game, you will not be able to
recolor it. You will have to buy it again and choose the color you want before place it. Sorry, it's an EA/maxis fault.
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes
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